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 The Economy of Joy (3)

It’s the third Sunday in August and it’s been a fast one. It’s probably because we’ve been having so much fun rejoicing before our Father that we haven’t noticed that there are just ten days left in the month. Well, the third Sunday means we bring you the third post from the teaching series with Dr Karis AmehWealth, The Economy of Joy.

Before we go to the message for today, we must wish a very happy birthday to the First Lady and Associate Pastor of Gloryzone Church, Pastor Peniel AmehWealth who turned a new age yesterday.

At Talk with Willy, we celebrate you and speak God’s preservation and protection over you, even as we anticipate a hugely successful Sparkle conference this weekend.

Thank you for all you do for the body of Christ, many happy returns to you, ma’am.

Today, we bring excerpts from the third Sunday teaching on the Economy of Joy series by Dr Karis AmehWealth. The teaching today was on 3 lessons from the life of Paul. Remember, we’re having two services; one holds at 8 a.m. and the second service holds at 10 a.m. immediately after the first service. Join us, and let’s BAF together next Sunday.

Now we move to the Three Lessons from the Life of Paul:

When the word of the Lord comes, it should be received with meekness. You don’t let your feelings get in the way, let God make a salvation-garden out of your life (James 1:21).

From the life of Paul, we see that living a Christ-centred life does three things. It:

1. Shapes your Perspective

A life that is centered around Christ will have its perspective sharpened. It will shape the vistas of your mind and it will affect your joy. When it shapes your joy, your joy will flow naturally.

Your perspective is very important because it determines how you see things and if you see things wrong, your joy will be negatively affected.

A recently conducted research shows that the top three joy killers that participants identified with in their lives were:

a. People

b. Unfavourable circumstances

c. Fear

Other unmentioned joy killers include competition, selfishness, and wrong thinking.

As a person, how do you see people? People bring joy, but can also bring untold pain. If you see them from the right perspective, you can utilise the joy you get from them but if you see things wrong, they can cause you real sorrow.

To have the right perspective on people, you should:

a. Learn to see people through God’s eyes. People aren’t perfect, but if you are fixated on their imperfections, you’ll live a sad life.

Manage your expectations of people and you’ll be less disappointed.

b. People should be loved and served, not used. The more you are focused on loving and serving people, the less likely you are to be offended by them. A Christ-centred person doesn’t live for himself, he lives for others.

Always adopt a position of servitude, following the example of Paul, and the words of Jesus.

Be free from the opinions and approval of people, let Christ be your satisfaction.

2. Shapes your Priorities

3. Gives you Perseverance

We only expanded on how living a Christ-centred life shapes your perspective in this post. For more on the second and third points, visit the YouTube and Facebook pages of Gloryzone Church, that’s where the full package is.

Dr Karis Quotes

“You don’t see things the way they are, you see things the way you are”

“You don’t make a permanent theology out of a temporary situation”

“People aren’t perfect, but if you are fixated on their imperfections, you’ll have a sad life”

“Once your priority is on being joyful, every other [good] thing will come”

“If love and service to your King is your priority, the world cannot put pressure on your joy”

Remember to catch the full service on the social media accounts of Gloryzone church on Facebook and YouTube. Also, remember to follow and turn on the notification buttons on both platforms. You can also find and follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.

See you tomorrow, we have our final post on the SOUNDS series for the month.



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