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About Us

How did you get here? 
You clicked the "About Us" Button? Wow! That means a lot to us 👏👏👏.
So, I'll tell you about us. Us is you and me, and that means you'll be working with me on this too, but lemme do my part first. I am William, better known to some as Willy, or Neo (yeah, like in The Matrix, only better). I'm a geologist by training, and a digital marketer, content creator and blogger by passion.
This blog was borne out of the desire to do two things: 

1. Connect With People 

I have always felt a need to connect with people on a broad sense as much as I could. I've loved communicating, hearing people's views; funny, smart, hilarious, sarcastic etc. It's been hard to do this in physically with a lot of people, so I found a platform to spread my reach as far as possible. Yes, the internet.
It's been an awesome journey so far, and a tasking one too, but getting to create posts and have people engage them, know what they think on interesting topics, passing out valuable information etc., it's a dream come true for me.
In the first week alone, we've had over 200 page views, isn't that awesome? And the best part is, we're just about to get started!

2. A Springboard To My First Website

Blogs come with a lot of limitations, and I want us to do this on a larger scale, yeah, GO BIG, but we can't do that now for two reasons; first, I'm still learning web design, and second, right now, we can't afford the resources to buy a lot of the things the website would need (costing about $350 for the first year).
So, while we learn web design proper, and try to raise the capital needed, this blog would have to do, till we go bigger.

Talk With Willy is currently domiciled in the city of Jos, Nigeria, and we look forward to connecting with 7 billion of you around the world.
We love you and we appreciate all you do for us.

For enquiries and support, please Whatsapp (preferably), or call Willy on +2348159034575.

Stay smart!

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