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What to Look Out for in Quality Clothing

Have you been in this situation where you find it difficult to know what to look out for when it comes to buying standard clothes? Do not worry, it happens virtually all the time especially when you are not in the fashion industry. However, one thing is certain, what you wear plays an important role in how people perceive you. Your outfit says a lot about you and that is why people should invest in getting quality outfits based on their income/budget.

However, you should try to create a personal style for yourself through the type of outfit you decide to wear and that is why I am here for you.

My name is Odedede Ufuoma, a biochemist by profession, and a certified content writer. So this is how my journey into self-discovery began.

While growing up I discovered I enjoyed writing articles and with that, I never found any issues with writing but when I became an adult a whole lot of things started changing for me and it became difficult in choosing a career path. As time went by, it became quite important for me to learn new things and one of them was I started having the mindset of looking good at all times with the few outfits I had, so I came up with beautiful ideas on how to rock my outfits perfectly well. This did not end there, while I was at the university, I started styling my friends, and roommates, on several occasions and this went on until I realized I am indeed a lover of fashion and a fashion enthusiast. I dived into the path of an entrepreneur during my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC ) where I took training on fashion design specifically in women's fashion. I learned pattern drafting, dressmaking, and fabric sourcing.

In the meantime I will be writing blog posts here on Talk with Willy on FashionXtra which will include, fashion trends and how to rock them properly, how to make better fashion choices, dress elegantly in the clothes you have, and make fashion easier for those who have busy schedules to choose what to go for, and style tips on TWW because I love to see women looking in their best, creating their fashion style and feeling good about their dressing styles.  Every woman deserves confidence when it comes to dressing elegantly.

With all that said, so let's get started with the first post on FashionXtra:

To everyone, buying quality clothing is a good investment. This is because investing in quality clothes saves you more money in the long run and gives you value in return. But the big question comes in when you are confused as to;

  1. How to know if the outfit is made with a long-lasting, high-quality material.
  2. Must quality clothes be dramatic or complicated in style?
  3. Should I go for brand names or should I buy what is on the market?
  4. Must it be the expensive ones?

All of these thoughts usually come to mind when you are deciding on what to look out for when it comes to Quality dress.

Thus, this article brings to you everything you need to look out for when picking clothing.

The term quality cuts across many aspects when it comes to choosing the best dress with a high standard. And these aspects include the following;

1. Fabric Choice (1st point of view)

When looking at quality outfits in this aspect, what comes to your mind is the type of fabric used in making dresses. The standard line that has been put in place over the years has it that "natural fibres" like cotton, wool, hemp, linen, and silk, are regarded as quality fabric because it offers the following comfort which are;

  1. They are naturally breathable, that is they can go in all seasons and weather
  2. They can easily be cared for, no need to worry about whether they will fade away on time and the way to maintain it.
  3. They give warmth and make you feel comfy.
  4. They are naturally odour-resistant too.

Outside that, there are other quality materials like the stretchy materials such as the" Lycra" which provide natural fit and flexibility.

2. Quality in terms of being Complicated or Dramatic (2nd point of view).

Quality doesn't necessarily mean being complicated or dramatic. Take for example the design from "Zara". Most Zara dresses are not complicated or dramatic styles yet they are of good quality.

In the fashion industry, sometimes quality is not measured by how dramatic/complicated the outfit looks. An outfit can be simple in style but is of high quality. The most important thing is the "details" on the dress.

3. Quality in terms of Brand Name (3rd point of view).

Over the years, top fashion brands have produced quality clothing for their users, which in a way has carved a niche for themselves as fashion brands and this has automatically put their outfits on a high standard. If you are a lover of fashion brands, then go for it. This is because for you to have gained their trust means they offer high-quality clothing for users. However, other fashion brands still produce high-standard clothing, but everything boils down to the user which sticks to their favourite brand name for the quality dress.

4. Quality in terms of the Price Tag (4th point of view)

Of course, high-quality clothing is usually more expensive compared to others. It is very unlikely to see a quality outfit that is not costly. However, one misconception about relating "Quality " to "Price tag" is that not every outfit that is expensive is of high quality. There are certain details to look out for when going for a quality dress.

5. Other details to look out for in every Quality Dress (5th point of view).

  1. Go for natural fibres over synthetic or fibre blends.
  2. Check the in and out of the "Seam" of every dress to see if it is straight and neatly finished.
  3. Check how the buttons, buttonholes, zip and bottom of zippers are properly fixed.
  4. Check for the facing, and interfacing of every dress. This aspect gives the dress a firm structure.
  5. Look out for how the accessories are being placed on the dress, a dress made with Tambo beads are necessarily going to be expensive due to the time, and creativity that is involved.

All of these need to be put in place, before saying a dress is of high quality.


Quality wears is not something anyone should joke about. it speaks more about your "taste", "class", and how you appreciate "value" when you see one.

If you could remember the last AMVCA award, the best-dressed male and female award was not given based on their beauty but rather on the quality of the outfit they showcased. Hence in the fashion industry, quality plays a major role in describing your personality because it gives the value you get in every outfit.

I will leave you with this quote "if your outfit could tell a story, what would people say about it?"

In our next post, we will be discussing another aspect of fashion which will be "How to choose an outfit for each day"

I hope you learnt something from today's post. I look forward to your comments in the comment section below.  Until next time, be unique, go for value and spend less because quality never goes out of style.

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