Frequency - Discerning God's Voice and Leading (1)
Hello, good people, and welcome to the month of October, from myself and the entire team at Talk with Willy.
We're in the final quarter of the year, and it's been an amazing time, for myself and for the blog. How has the year been for you? If it's been good, that's great. If you've not really had the best year so far, there's still 90 days for miracles to happen.
Our Sunday content from Gloryzone Church is here again, and if you guessed a new series, you're right. The September series, Taking the Lead is over, and this October, Gloryzone Church would be teaching on Frequency.
In today's teaching, Dr Karis introduced the series and focused on the fundamentals of divine leading. It is an absolutely timely teaching series in an era where a lot of people even in the church are not sure if God still speaks today.
Before we go into the teaching, there's a major announcement you should remember: WAVES HOLDS TOMORROW!
If you haven't decided yet to attend and be a part of the mighty move of God through His music ministers tomorrow, please decide now to be at Mee's Palace by 3 pm tomorrow, I'd love to see you there.
Now, let's go to the teaching:
We have a speaking God. He isn't mute and He has sound coded every of His creation to hear His voice, whether they are inanimate or animate.
The discerning of God's voice and leading us a system of spiritual advantage for believers. The ability to hear from God will set you apart.
When God leads you, you cannot be led into smallness; God cannot lead you into irrelevance. Everyone who has a story with telling in the Bible had access to and yielded to the leading of the Spirit.
When God leads you, you cannot be led into smallness; God cannot lead you into irrelevance.
Divine leading delivers you from lack and scarcity, it will preserve your life, and even prevent you from marrying the wrong person.
3 Things About Divine Leading
1. It's About His Love
Discernment is a privilege of His love and grace. The father's desire to communicate with you is about his love, not your merit.
In the Bible, even when Adam sinned, the sin didn't stop him from hearing from God, even though he had to suffer the consequence of his sin. People like Cain, Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar etc who were among the least deserving still heard the voice of God.
In the Bible, even when Adam sinned, the sin didn't stop him from hearing from God
His love is what qualifies you to hear His voice. He loves you and He wants you to hear from Him
2. Understand His Latitude for Communication
God knows how to get across to you, He's a master communicator who knows how to get your attention, and He does it patiently. With Moses, He left the burning bush until it caught his attention, with Gideon, He was willing to wait for three days while Gideon was seeking confirmation.
In the case of Balaam, who had vision but no discernment, God had to speak to him through his donkey just to get his attention.
3. Trust His Lordship
It is foolishness to seek divine leading without submitting to the lordship of Christ. God always has a bias to lead the people who are aligned to do His bidding.
Be like Abraham, who God could boast of that would train and teach his children after the ways of God. Do not be like Ahab, who arranged for prophets who would speak in his favour.
God always has a bias to lead the people who are aligned to do His bidding.
The lordship of Christ is a lordship of love. The human emotion is frail and has to be guided by superior wisdom.
That's our stop for this teaching. To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube and Facebook, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.
Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.
Remember, WAVES is tomorrow!
Till we meet again! Stay smart!