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 Kingdom Power Systems (3)

It is Father’s Day today, the one Sunday every year we get to celebrate our fathers and all they do for their families and society. Talk with Willy uses this medium to appreciate all fathers out there, especially those who are a part of our tribe. We love you all very much and we pray the blessings of God upon you.

 Now to our Sunday Special, we’ve got something you’ll love. It’s the third part of the Kingdom Power Systems series with Dr Karis, and it was really one to be physically part of. I really hope the only reason you missed this service was that you had to be in your own church, and not because you couldn’t go to church at all today.

At Talk with Willy, we are big on God and the church, and we like to remind our readers that we urge you to be a part of a local church, and grow there too. It’s God’s primary method for your effective Christian growth and development. If you are having a challenge finding a church to be a part of, do reach out to us, we’ll be happy to provide helpful suggestions.

So, it was the third teaching in the Kingdom Power System series. Today’s focus was on the topic, Prayer Power, and what a gathering it was. Topics already covered are:

  1. Revelation Knowledge
  2. Prophecy

If you missed any of them, just try and go through them, they’ll bless you. Well, down to Prayer Power:

You cannot talk about Kingdom Power Systems without talking about Prayer. Prayer is the engine room of power. It is usually either the key or the hand that holds the key.

Prayer is meant for all Christians, irrespective of your personal makeup. A look at the description of Elijah in James 5 shows that he was as human as we are, but he achieved tremendous results by virtue of his devotion to prayer. There must have been times when he felt weak, felt tired, felt lazy, and even discouraged, but this didn’t stop him from praying.

Fundamentals of Prayer

1. Your Pictures in Prayer

An accurate prayer to God begins with an authentic picture of God. Prayer is an invitation to God to do you good. You must have the right picture of God before you pray; it keeps your prayers from being faulty. The picture you must have of God is that of a father, one who desires to give you the best.

2. Priorities in Prayer

The prayer that produces power must be properly prioritised. It must be first focused on fellowship, then kingdom advancement before you bring in your needs. This means that as much as asking for our needs is important, it should not be the first focus of our prayers. Even when asking for your needs, they are met faster when you tie them to kingdom advancement

3. Power through Prayer

Man’s praying makes power available. This power is needed for the marketplace. Do not see the marketplace as a corporate world of suits and ties; see it as a place of altars and sacrifices.

When you pray, power is generated. Prayer has the ability to shift you on the inside and also change your countenance on the outside. It touches the core of your personality and changes things about you and things about you.

3 Dispositions of Prayer That Produces Power

1. Consistency

This is how often you pray. You must make prayer a frequent habit and learn to do it frequently. You must learn to be a person of daily prayer

2. Quantity

This is the volume of your prayer. Jesus perfectly modeled this as the Bible records times when he would leave his disciples and would isolate himself to pray all through the night. Christians must learn to get used to hours of protracted prayer.

3. Intensity

This is the commitment of your heart and soul when you pray. You have to learn to pray hard and pray long.

Here’s our stop, I am sure you are blessed already, but there’s more in the full message, go get it on YouTube. Also, remember to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification button.

As usual, we won’t leave you without our selected quotes from the service. Here you go:

Quotes to Remember

"The more you pray as a Christian, the less you ask why"

"Prayer doesn’t stop you from afflictions; it positions you to conquer them"

"Most of the power you need is not for falling down; it is for making an impact in life and destiny"

"Prayer is the engine room of power"

"You can never write off a person who has learned the importance of prayer; he can always use it to open another chapter in his life"

To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube and Facebook, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.

Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.

Till we meet again! Stay smart!


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