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Kingdom Power Systems (2)
Kingdom power systems

Don’t we just love Sundays? It's that one day when people can absolutely rest, and plan for the new week. What we love the most though, is getting to meet again with God’s people and collectively worship him. As a people big on God, it is no surprise that Talk with Willy brings you a special treat every Sunday, and today is no different. Every Sunday in June, thanks to Gloryzone Church, and Dr Karis AmehWealth, we would bring you abridged versions of teachings from the series, Kingdom Power Systems. The introduction last week was a blast and today would be even better.

If it's your first time in our Sunday Special segment, I welcome you. Please be informed that we entered into an agreement with Gloryzone Church. This means we get to feature Sunday teachings from the church and the senior pastor, Dr Karis AmehWealth for your reading and edifying pleasure every Sunday. Last week, we covered the first Kingdom power tool, Revelation Knowledge, and if you missed that, please make out time to read them and get the full messages too.

At Talk with Willy, we are big on God and the church, and we like to remind our readers that we urge you to be a part of a local church, and grow there too. It’s God’s primary method for your effective Christian growth and development. If you are having a challenge finding a church to be a part of, do reach out to us, we’ll be happy to provide helpful suggestions.

Today, we bring you the highlights from the second teaching in the Kingdom Power System series. Today’s focus was on the topic, Prophecy. It is a teaching I’m sure this post doesn’t do justice to, but we’ll still try to do what we can to bring you some of the goodies. That being said, let's go straight to our notes from the teaching.

As I have said already, today’s teaching was on prophecy as a kingdom power tool, and how Christians can and should apply this precious tool in enforcing the will and reign of God on earth. Dr Karis had the following to say:

Dr Karis teaching

Marketplace ministry is for believers who live their lives as though they are being prepared for the traditional full time pulpit ministry. It is the duty of the pulpit ministers to act as wordsmiths, forging words as a warring tool for marketplace believers. The marketplace believers are to take the forged words and fight with them.

Prophecy is not word of knowledge. It is supernatural utterance in a known tongue. It is speaking forth the mind of God. Prophecy is releasing God’s word under the anointing of the Holy Spirit to effect changes on the earth. It is the bridge between God’s power and man’s hopelessness.

Case study was the story of Ezekiel and the valley of dry bones from the anchor text in Ezekiel 37: 1 – 10.

In the text above, God had the power to raise the bones by himself, but He didn’t do it. This is because He does not interfere in the affairs of the earth without the cooperation of a man, and man cooperates with God through prophecy.

Every believer has the ability to prophesy, even if you don’t have the specific ministry gift of prophecy. Just like how we can all run, but only specially trained athletes can run professionally, so it is with Christians and prophecy.

Prophecy is divided into two parts: there is foretelling, and forth telling. This means that there are people who by the gift of the Holy Spirit; are able to make accurate predictions by seeing into the future, that is foretelling. It rests principally on those referred to as seers. Forth telling however, is speaking the word of God in agreement with what he has said, and all believers are called into this.

The energy of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus (Rev 19:10), who is the central theme and focus of scriptures. When you see Christ in the scriptures, you are filled with his Spirit to speak with boldness. In the New Testament, any boundary you can cover with your mouth comes into your hands, and you bring this by prophecy.

Congregation responding to teaching

I’ll stop here; remember we don’t bring you the complete messages. There is a lot more that was said on how to prophesy, how to charge your words, the system for effective prophesying, and many more things I left out. Just go get the full message and watch it in full on the Facebook page of Gloryzone Church. As usual though, here are a few quotes to meditate upon

Quotes to Remember
Dr Karis Quotes

"Only God has a serious plan for your life, no one else does"

"Every time a generation lacks people who are passionate about teaching the word, they go about looking for demonic alternatives"

"Any future you want to see, you prophesy"

"Prophecy is the bridge between man's hopelessness and God's power"

"Prophecy is the compass with which you chart your course on the earth"

To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube and Facebook, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.

Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.

Till we meet again! Stay smart!



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