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Kingdom Power Systems (1)

It's the first Sunday in June, and we're excited about it. What's even more exciting is that Gloryzone Church started a new teaching series today, called Kingdom Power Systems, and we're sure by the end of the series, we'll all be better for it.

If it's your first time in our Sunday Special segment, I welcome you. Please be informed that we entered into an agreement with Gloryzone Church, aka the Embassy of Heaven, last month. This means we get to feature Sunday teachings from the church and the senior pastor, Dr Karis AmehWealth for your reading and edifying pleasure every Sunday. Last month, we covered the last two teachings in the Recounting the Years series and if you missed that, please make out time to read them and get the full messages too.

At Talk with Willy, we are big on God and the church, and we like to remind our readers that we urge you to be a part of a local church, and grow there too. It’s God’s primary method for your effective Christian growth and development. If you are having a challenge finding a church to be a part of, do reach out to us, we’ll be happy to provide helpful suggestions.

So, today we move to the first teaching in the Kingdom Power System series. Let's go straight to our notes from the teaching:

Today’s teaching was largely an introduction of the series before Dr Karis majored on Revelation Knowledge. He had the following to say:

The more you want in life, the more you must understand that something must be given in exchange for your ambitions. Christians are called to be living witnesses and you cannot be a living witness without understanding the dynamics of kingdom power. God never intended that we should witness without power, we can’t. It has always been God’s plan that we live and walk in power. The prophecy of Joel that was fulfilled in the book of Acts was not for a select few among the church. It was for a range of people that all Christians fall into.

God won’t give you a vision that you can carry out without his help, and the moment you raise the vision you have received to go galactic (global), expect oppositions to come. A proper understanding and application of the dynamics of Christian power would help Christians come out on top wherever they find themselves in the marketplace. You cannot carry out your assignment without power. In your place of ministry, expect threats and attacks in many ways, and you cannot combat them and conquer without an understanding of power systems.

Christians can’t play the victim; they must be schooled to always be on the offensive. You must possess the Cyrus anointing, you must learn to be a possessor of the hot places.

Case studies given were the lives of Joseph, Daniel, and Esther

Joseph was an example of a person who had access to the power systems of the kingdom and was able to use them. People don’t know or interpret customized dreams accurately without the help of spirits. Not only was he able to interpret the dreams of the Pharaoh, he was also able to formulate an agro-economic plan that saved the world at that time.

He was a slave, a foreigner, not of noble birth, neither was he educated in the higher cadre of their education and civilisation. His display of power however, made the Pharaoh put him in charge of the economy of the country.

The first power system given was Revelation knowledge (Matthew 16: 14 – 19).

Christians are not expected to be a victim of circumstances and conditions. In life, we don’t explain things away; we attack them with a rapid response approach. Revelation knowledge is the eye of your understanding being opened to understand the hope of your calling. Revelation knowledge is the doorway to kingdom power. Once you increase in revelation knowledge, you make power available for change.

Proper use of revelation knowledge enables you to go and bring answers to our challenge directly from the word of God. You find principles and stick with them until the light breaks out on you. Supernatural illumination of the mind is necessary for destiny fulfilment.

I’m not going any further on this. Get the full message and just go ahead and watch it in full. I’ll however, leave you with a few quotes to meditate upon

Quotes to Remember

"Life on earth is a power play"

"Christianity was designed to be a power parade"

"Without proper understanding, the visions you have seen will be mere daydreams"

"The moment you begin to see your assignment as a platform to honour God, your posture towards it will change. You’ll stop thinking small"

"Fulfilling destiny is not sexually transmitted"

To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.

Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.

Till we meet again! Stay smart!



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  1. Wow, that destiny quote though

    1. Did that hit you ☺?

      Feel free to find and follow Dr Karis AmehWealth on various social media platforms.
