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Leadership Lessons from the Life of the Shepherd Boy (King David) 

It’s the third Sunday in the month of September and we’re already over halfway into the month. How has the month of September been for you? I have had an awesome month, thanks to the series we have been covering, among other developments that have been going on.

At Gloryzone church, the series for the month, Taking the Lead has been a blessing to many lives as transformational teachings around leadership have been taught at the Sunday and midweek services. The first two topics were:

  1. Introduction to Leadership
  2. The Making of a Leader (Self-leadership)

If you missed any, you can always read them again and get the full messages on the social media platforms of the church.

I would go into the teaching for today soon, but I’ll like to remind you real quick of a few things:

First, the Outpouring is here. The date has been announced for the biggest gathering of the Gloryzone nation, the Outpouring, and it is from November 18th - 20th. Looking for that something that has seemed elusive? It's waiting for you at the Outpouring already, just get set to receive it when the time comes.

Second, WAVES holds in two weeks! WAVES is an amazing worship program put together by Gloryzone Music, the darling team that brings mindblowing and soul-lifting renditions your way at every service. It will be a pure time of intimacy and fellowship in songs and more, you can't afford to not be there.

So, let’s go to the teaching for today, titled Leadership Lessons from the Life of a Shepherd Boy and taken by Pastor Peter Emmanuel.

As swimming is with a fish, and flying is with a bird, so is leadership with man. Leadership is inherent in our nature, but first, for you to lead, you must know yourself. 

You can't truly know yourself if you don't know God. When you know God, you know yourself and then you lead.

David had certain qualities that every leader today should imbibe. He had a heart for God and for his people. He was able to inspire people around him, and of course, remember he was a self-led person. 

3 Leadership Lessons from the Life of David

1. Integrity of Heart (Psalm 78:72)

God chose David because of the nature of his heart (Acts 13:22). What is the disposition of your heart towards God and towards people? 

Leadership isn't by looks or physical appearance, you can look like it and not be it. Pay more attention to the content in your head (your brain) and character, than to your looks. Leadership begins and ends with the right heart.

Leadership isn't just about looking sharp

If you're trusting God for a thing, is your heart pure, and are your motives pure? 

David walked with integrity of heart and this is why he was quick to accept his fault and repent when he sinned. As a leader, you must have a heart that can easily repent. 

2. Courage and Confidence

You can't talk about David without talking about courage. Courage is strong out in the midst of fear with boldness and strength. 

When David came before Goliath, he was able to fight and conquer because he was a person of courage. He was motivated by the incentives the king offered and he was willing to fight for Israel when even the king was afraid as a result of the intimidation by Goliath. He was able to bring forth his track record with the lion and the bear and this showed that he had built his confidence in God and in the covenant. 

Timidity and greatness are mutually exclusive. Your destiny requires courage to be fulfilled.

There are some things in life you would never get if you don't step out in courage. You have to learn to step out and face the opposition head-on. God won't always give you everything on a platter, you have to be courageous and go for what He has shown you. 

Timidity and greatness are mutually exclusive. Your destiny requires courage to be fulfilled. Courageous leaders are people who are able to push through uncomfortable situations, they don't back down. 

Life will shrink or expand in proportion to your courage. 

Life will shrink or expand in proportion to your courage. 

3. Honour for the Anointed and for Constituted Authority

You are to honour all men. David honoured Saul even after he had been anointed to be king. 

After David began to achieve further exploits, Saul who was his boss became his arch enemy and was hunting him to kill him. 

On two occasions, while Saul was hunting David, David had the chance to kill him, twice, while Saul was asleep. David however, refused to kill him, and was willing to leave vengeance to God, he knew that God was going to make things happen for him in due time. 

That's our stop for this teaching. To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube and Facebook, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.

Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.

Till we meet again! Stay smart!


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