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 Recounting the Years (6)

Hello! It’s another beautiful Sunday, and we bring you another Sunday Special from Gloryzone Church. I hope you went to church, and I’m glad you did, if you did.

Last week, we shared on Stretch with Your Faith by Dr Karis. If you missed that, go back, read it, and go a step further, go watch the full message, link is in that post, or you could go straight to Gloryzone Church onYouTube.

Today, he spoke on Rejoicing is a Capital, and that’s what you’ll read about in this post. Remember, this doesn’t qualify as you having a church service today, and we don’t post everything either. We only post an abridged version of Sunday teachings with links that direct you to where you can get the full message, as that offers a better experience.

Well, let’s go into the teaching, and get ready to rejoice at the end of this post.

Rejoicing is a Capital

This was the sixth topic in the Recounting the Years series. Recounting the Years series has been focused on vital lessons from the ten-year journey of Gloryzone Church. The earlier treated topics are:

1. Christ is More Than Enough
2. The More You Grow, The Less You Limit God
3. Your Capital is in Your Seed
4. God Honours Man's Faithfulness
5. Stretch with your Faith

So, on Rejoicing is a Capital, we bring you the highlights:

First, he made it clear that joy is first a focus, before it becomes a feeling. Joy is not happiness. Happiness is a fleeting, temporary feeling dependent on external circumstances, but joy doesn’t work that way.  Joy has a focus, and that focus is Christ. The basis for our rejoicing is believing (1 Peter 1: 8-9).

The number one killer of your joy is identity crisis; when there is no clarity of who you are and whose you are). Christians don’t base their self-worth on their possessions or conditions, not their certificates, qualifications, looks or social media status. Your self-worth lies in your revelation of the worth of Christ and his sacrifice.

Once your mind is pre-occupied with Christ, joy flows from your heart.

Second, your joy has to be fed. You have to feed your focus, feed your faith, and realign your focus. You do this by intermingling with the word of God. You listen to messages, make confessions, and stay filled with the Holy Ghost, persistently speaking in tongues.

There would be times when you would have to tarry, spending time with God until the waters of your joy begin to flow out of your insides.

Finally, fight for your joy (Isaiah 12:3). You must learn to fight for your joy. You put away envy, bitterness, strife, jealousy etc., and keep a consistent walk with God. Your love walk will be tested, don’t get bitter.

Learn to rejoice with others, celebrate their success and achievements. God is watching, and your reward is at hand. Offenses will come, but don’t let them kill your joy.

The life of Paul and his epistle to the Philippians was the anchor for the teaching. The life of Paul and this epistle which he wrote as a prisoner was full of rejoicing because his identity lay in Christ, no matter what his external circumstance looked like. He instructed the church to rejoice continually, no matter what they were going through, just as he practiced.

Recommended reading is the entire epistle of Paul to the Philippians.

That’s my stop for today, there’s much more in the full message, just go ahead and watch it in full. I’ll however, leave you with a few quotes to meditate upon

Quotes to Remember

"Joy increases the productivity of your effort"

"Joy flows from your understanding of what God has said"

"Joy isn’t anchored on external factors; it flows from what you have believed on the inside"

"Like rail tracks are prepared for trains to travel on, and tarmacs are made for aeroplanes to land, so does your joy prepare the way for the presence of God to rest"

"Every time you get depressed, it is a message that you have gotten distracted and are now focusing on the wrong thing. Once that happens, realign your focus and get back your joy."

To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.

Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.

Till we meet again! Stay smart!

Before you leave, can you just take five minutes to build some capital and rejoice in the Lord. Glory!

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