Fire on My Altar (1)
Hello! It’s July and we are excited the second half of the year is here. Have you taken out time to recount the faithfulness of God over you from January to June? At Talk with Willy, we have done that and we are super grateful to God for everything and everyone he has blessed us with, including you, our dear reader.
An avid follower of our Sunday posts, especially if you are a Gloryzone member would know that we just completed the Kingdom Power Systems series last week, as it ran all through the month of June. Whoever missed it can go back and read the posts, as well as more importantly, getting the full messages from Gloryzone Church on Facebook and YouTube.
This week, we began a new series for the month of July with Dr Karis. It’s a series on prayer, titled Fire on My Altar, and from this first week, it is clear that God is set to do something awesome through the series. Now before we delve into today’s teaching proper, be reminded that Gloryzone special invite campaign, BAF To Church is still on.
BAF To Church stands for Bring A Friend/Family To Church. The campaign is aimed at getting people who should be in church but don’t get to church, to church. So if you are a part of this community, this clan of excellent people here at TWW, and for some reason, you haven’t been going to church lately, this is me, Willy, inviting you to have church with us next Sunday (details on the flyer). If you have a church, we’d really love if you could still visit us sometime; everyone should have the Gloryzone experience at least once. By the way, being a part of a growing church is one of the ways to have a wonderful second half of the year.
So, today’s teaching, finally. The teaching was titled, For This Cause I Bow My Knees. It was aimed at providing a strong why for Christians to learn and love to pray.
Well, let’s go into the teaching, and get ready to be stirred to pray at the end of this post.
For This Cause I Bow My Knees
First, prayer is a privilege. It is a huge honour and responsibility for man to be able to commune with the maker of the universe. You can be taught and trained to maximise the effectiveness of prayer and get outstanding results.
The Lord’s Prayer that Jesus gave was given because his disciples observed that even though they prayed, just as the disciples of John and the Pharisees also prayed, the prayer of Jesus was of a different kind and that He always produced excellent results. The prayer was however, given as a template and not as an absolute.
This teaching series would be aimed at three things:
1. Upgrading your prayer life
2. Multiplying results produced in prayer
3. Causing outburst of prayer in lives
According to 2 Thessalonians 1:11, prayer is required to make you fit for the spiritual journey ahead. If you see a vision but you feel that you don’t have the faith for it, you have to pray. Prayer makes the required energy available.
You must have a strong WHY for your prayer. What is your WHY? What is your focus when you come before God in prayer?
3 Reasons to Pray
1. Prayer is Breathing (Luke 11)
Jesus made it clear that the opposite of praying is fainting, not prayerlessness. Prayer is to our spirit, what air is to our bodies. In the place of prayer, we breathe in God and His agenda for us. A person faints when there is no air supply, and that is the same way Christians would faint if there is no prayer in their lives.
Always have a prayer response for whatever challenge you are faced with. Whatever comes for your prayer life has come for your life, just like any attempt to lay a hold of your trachea is an attempt on your life.
Never get too sophisticated to pray.
2. Prayer is Breaking and Building (2 Chronicles 4:10)
Through prayer, you create a spiritual atmosphere to condition response. You break negative atmosphere and create a new one. You learn to pray till you break negative holds. Don’t just accept negative reports; pray them out, break out of backgrounds.
You turn potential into tangible realities in the place of prayer. Prayer provokes a change of identity (Gen 32:24 – 29).
Prayer is breaking down demonic assaults. A part of Satan’s strategy against your life is misrepresentation by sponsoring demonic scandals and unholy rumours. You get victory over these in the place of prayer.
3. Prayer is Birthing
To birth is to bring forth the new. When you pray, you bring out the rivers of living water that the spirit of God has deposited on the inside of you. Men can give you things; a cup of water here, a drink or a bucket there, but the river is what is needed for destiny fulfilment, not just meeting your needs. When you bring out the rivers within you, they float the things you want in your direction.
Three things characterise birthing:
1. Pain
2. New things
3. Joy
When you feel these in the place of prayer, you know that something has been birthed from your inside.
That’s my stop for today, there’s much more in the full message, just go ahead and watch it in full. I’ll however, leave you with a few quotes to meditate upon
Quotes to Remember
"Anywhere prayer is accurately taught and excellently modelled, people would love to pray and results would come to their prayers"
"Prayer is the ventilating system of the human spirit"
"Prayer looks unserious, until serious people get into trouble"
"The challenge is not the challenge; the challenge is who is facing the challenge"
"Ministry isn’t pulpit, ministry is priesthood."
To get the full message, visit Gloryzone on YouTube, and when you get there, feel free to watch, comment, and share if you were blessed, I know you were. And if you were in Gloryzone Church today, what quote stood out for you, one of those we listed, or another? Let us know in the comments section.
Feel free to share this content with your clique, and also stay in touch with us on our social media platforms.
Till we meet again! Stay smart!