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 Fire on my Altar (3)

It’s the 4th Sunday in July, and we’re here again. Today, we had the third part of the Fire on my Altar series after the massive Thanksgiving service last week, and what a service it was today. I would like to add at this point, that our Sunday posts are no substitute for going to church, they are here to serve as a short summary of the service, which you should always watch if you missed out. Remember, you can't find the prayers or the amazing music renditions by Temples of Praise (ToP) on this blog, and you need them.

The Fire on My Altar series has been a huge blessing to everyone who has been a part of it, and we would love to read your testimonies from the series. The teaching today was on Winning Invisible Battles through Prayer, and before we go into it, be reminded that BAF to Church is still on. Did you BAF today? You should be aware that this Friday, there would be a general outreach, and you’re invited to be a part of it. Just drop a comment and I’ll provide the details you might need. Now is time for Dr Karis.

I personally guarantee you that this is a life-transforming teaching and that the eyes of your spirit would be open to new revelations. Let’s dig in on Winning Invisible Battles through Prayer:

The Bible implicitly and explicitly believes in the unseen realm and Christians also should. For the period he was on earth, Jesus never acted like Satan and his demons did not existed, remember he was tempted, but he always exercised his authority over them. There are demons and there are forces but we must believe as Christians that we have the victory over them.

In the realm of the spirit, there are two extremes that Christians should avoid:

1. The assumption that demons don’t exist

2. Getting so demon-conscious in a way that borders on paranoia

Know Your Enemy

1. Satan is Your Enemy (Eph 6:11-13)

Never see man as your enemy. Even when it looks as though they are behind the attacks you receive, they are only being used at that time, but they are not the problem. The devil can jump on anyone to take advantage and attack you, but you should be able to see beyond the physical and know that man is not your enemy.

2. Satan Uses Schemes, Strategies, and Cunning Craftiness

The devil is not everywhere, he cannot be everywhere. He works with a subtle, very organised system with his minions that magnify his presence. With a very sly attitude, he sets to work in the lives of men by devising clever tricks, which if not discerned and combated, would lead to defeat. More in the next sub-heading.

Know His Weapons

1. Marathon Attacks

Marathon assaults may be launched against your life; mind, emotions and other areas of your life in a bid to weary you.

The devil magnifies a challenge and tries to wear you down and shake you off your faith by making the problem linger. Not every problem would be solved in a week or less, but you must maintain your persistence in prayer and speaking words.

To combat these attacks, you have to rise, take authority, and trash the negative thoughts that are being sown in your mind. If you don’t crush the enemy and his thoughts, you open the door for the thoughts to play out and find fulfilment.

2. Unreasonable Oppositions and Confinement

Christianity is meant to be a free life in Christ Jesus; whatever tries to confine you is demonic. When you realise that you cannot break through in certain areas in life, it could be in your finances, your academics, your marriage etc. you must see that it is an attack you must fight against.

These attacks could come as a result of utterances and opposition spoken against you that have registered in the realm of the spirit, and you must learn to stand and conquer them.

3. Multiple Assaults

When you notice that without any reasonable explanation, you feel like you are being bombarded with multiple attacks, know that the enemy is hot on your heels. If you find yourself going from one problem to another; at work, home, in your family etc. just know that it is an attack.

You don’t need to wait for the enemy to come for you before you begin to rebuke him, you build capacity to rebuke them before they come.

4. Complacency and Laziness

Every time you feel at ease in Zion, it is an attack on your destiny. Complacency is a spiritual attack on your destiny. You don’t walk on the wall when you should be at war, the enemy can use this to derail you

Know Your Weapons

This begins with the knowledge of God in the context of our complete victory in Christ (Psalm 149:6-9). God supports and strengthens fighters, you must learn to fight from the standpoint of victory in Christ. Demons are rebels you must dislodge from your space but they won’t go unless you make them.

Here’s our stop, you can always get the complete message and other messages on the social media platforms of Gloryzone Church, and they’re life transforming. Our favourite quotes are our goodbye gift.

Quotes to Remember

Our selected quotes from the service today are our final gift to you. If you didn't get anything, get these: 

“Physical warfare on earth is countering the schemes of the devil”

“Satan’s only advantage over the believer is their ignorance of his schemes”

“Fear is not a feeling to be managed; it is a spirit to be cast out”

“The primary way Satan gets a foothold in your life is to weary you by sponsoring antichrist thoughts”

“Demons know you have the victory but they won’t succumb until you rise and enforce the victory you have received”

Feel free to comment, share, and subscribe to our newsletter to be a closer part of our community. We love you and we are grateful you’re a part of us. Remember to check in tomorrow morning for our series on professional job skills, and on Sunday for our continuance of this series with Dr Karis. We are also on your favourite social media platforms, connect with us, we’re waiting for you!



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