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Fire on My Altar (2)

It’s the second Sunday in the second half of the year, and it was cold over here in the city of Jos. I hope you had a fairer weather today. Well, at Gloryzone Church, the cold weather was more than compensated for with the intense prayers in the second service on the teaching series for July, our month of prayer.

Today, we continued the Fire on My Altar series and it was an awesome experience, mixing prayer and praise in intense proportions in one service, but then it’s the Gloryzone experience, what do you expect? The teaching today was on Developing a Prayer Life, and before we go into it, be reminded that BAF To Church is still on. Did you BAF today? If you’re reading this and you’ve not been in church for a while, why don’t you let us BAF with you next Sunday?

Last week, Dr Karis shared on "For This Cause I Bow My Knees". Now, let’s talk on developing a prayer life.

The New Testament is filled with stories that show that the early church was built on prayers. They understood that it was designed to be a lifestyle. The power of anything is in the consistency of it; the fervency, and protractedness.

Going to church and praying is good, but it doesn’t equal a prayer life. A prayer life is built around fellowship with the Father and matters of destiny fulfilment, not about locational events and occurrences. The foundation of a prayer life is fellowship with the Father, that sweet communion. The Father must be your focus.

Three Steps To Cultivating A Prayer Life

In the context of agriculture and farming, the three steps to cultivating a prayer life are:

1. Planting seeds of prayer (the decision to start)

2. Tending (the discipline to continue)

3. Harvesting (delight)

1. Decision

In prayer, God starts from where you are, and you should too. You make a decision to start praying and build on your decision. Prayer champions today started somewhere and grew by consistency.

Prayer is never easy at the inception, but you must break through the temporal discouragements. The beauty of it is that once you start, your decision becomes an invitation to your Helper, the Holy Spirit. He comes in and makes it easier for you as you tarry and press. You decide to start, then you continue, and He comes in to help.

Just start, no matter how you feel, He would show up.

2. Discipline (Routine, Regiment & Persistence)

Routines bring consistency and multiply results, don’t hate routines.

Your prayer life should not depend on feelings; learn to do what is demanded, not what is convenient. It takes discipline to develop a devotional life. Remember the law of compound effect, small and smart choices lead to huge results.

You must learn to build and stretch in the place of prayer, start where you are and grow in it. Have set times for prayer and watch the power of God manifest in various parts of your life.

3. Delight

When the heavens break, take advantage of it. Speak to the winds, prophesy. Proclaim when the Holy Spirit is present and watch your harvest come in.

Three Pillars of a Prayer Life

1. Communion

2. Commitment

3. Consistency

Here’s our stop, you can always get the complete message and other messages on the social media platforms of Gloryzone Church, and they’re life transforming. Our favourite quotes are our goodbye gift.

Quotes to Remember

There were numerous quotes from the service today, and we just couldn’t select five, so we’d be giving you seven quotes from Dr Karis

“Small, smart choices made every day would lead to huge harvest”

“Those who have a prayer life would always have a prayer reflex response to the emergencies of life”

“A major pathway to fulfilment of destiny is undiluted fellowship with God”

“A believer who takes major steps without consulting God doesn’t have a prayer life”

“In the atmosphere of God’s presence, your potentials thrive”

“You have a prayer life when the elements of prayer are a part of your daily life”

"You can pray for your children before they are born. Praying before they come can create a covering over them that would guide them in life"

Feel free to comment, share, and subscribe to our newsletter to be a closer part of our community. We love you and we are grateful you’re a part of us. Remember to check in tomorrow morning for our series on professional job skills, and on Sunday for our continuance of this series with Dr Karis. We are also on your favourite social media platforms, connect with us, we’re waiting for you!

Finally, before you leave, you're invited to a special prayer binge tomorrow. We'd be having eight hours of prayer and you should come burn with us at Korinjoh House, British America Junction, Jos. See the flyer for more details.


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