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4 Questions to Help You Pick the Niche That's Just Right For You

If you still do not understand what a niche is and why you should pick a one and stick to it, you should check my previous post. So today, we'll be learning the 4 important criteria to consider when choosing a niche. 

 I can't tell you which niche you should go with but I can help you find out which one is right for you. A wise man once said "I can't give you the right answers but I can give you the right questions" and that's precisely what I'll be doing today. Find the answers to these questions and you'll find what's perfect for you.

1. What Do You Like?

 Passion is the most important thing when it comes to choosing something that you're going to do or stick with. Imagine being stuck doing something you don't like, sounds like a horror movie doesn't it? When you're passionate about something, doing that thing will feel more like a hobby than a job. I'm listening to music and dancing as I'm writing this piece you're reading right now but you can give someone else this exact same topic to write on and they'll swear at you like you just gave them an impromptu test. What's the difference between me and the other person? Passion! I like what I'm doing so this is fun for me. That's how you should feel when creating content on social media and choosing a niche you're passionate about goes a long way in helping you achieve that. Another advantage of choosing something you're passionate about is that it flows naturally. You'll hardly run out of content ideas since it's something you already like to talk about. Also viewers or readers can always tell when you're pretending to like something.

2. How Competitive Is It?

A highly competitive niche means that it'll be very difficult for your content to gain visibility or rank on social media. You'll also be competing with lots of other creators or businesses to gain audience attention.

Niches that have low competition indicate low or no demand. In this case, you're breaking new ground and it might take something spectacular to establish yourself. So what you have to do is make sure your niche is not too competitive and also not low in demand.

3. Is It Profitable?

Is it something you can make money from? What are the different ways you can monetise that niche? This is important because as fun and as fulfilling as passion is, it will not pay your bills. So your niche has to be able to generate you money when necessary. You can check how profitable a niche is by researching other competitors and checking the demand for your niche. If it's something a lot of people are interested in, then you're very likely to pull a huge audience which you can monetise later.

4. Is It Something I Can Do ?

This particular question goes without saying, but I decided to add it just in case. A saying goes; "you cannot pour out of an empty glass". This means it's impossible to give what you don't have. So you found a niche that you're passionate about, is profitable and is not too competitive. Now the next understated question you should ask yourself is "do I have the skill set or knowledge required for this niche". Because if you don't, how do you intend to deliver the needed value to your audience. 

If you decide to venture into copywriting because it fits the other 3 criteria even though you don't have the necessary knowledge for it, you could end up not getting results or worse still getting trolled or reported for misinformation. If you do not have the skillset or knowledge, either learn it or go find another niche. 

When you've found a niche that fits these criteria, set up your page and create content based on it. Make sure your Instagram SEO is optimised so you can easily be found by your target audience. 

That's enough from me for today. I hope you now have enough information to pick the perfect niche for yourself. Do you have anything to add or any questions? Leave it in the comment section. I'll be reading as always.

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